The Network for inspired learning
Dorset & Somerset Training Provider Network
Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network Ltd (DSTPN) consists of members who are training organisations, colleges, employers and stakeholder bodies working in the post-16 education and training sector.

What's new..
Do you wish training programmes were developed differently?
Are you looking for a skills solution that fits your business needs?

Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network are proud to launch ‘Your Future Sorted’, a provider directory for Dorset and Somerset – for schools students, parents, teachers, the community, and stakeholders

We are launching a series of Skills Elevator graphics that allow young people to see, read, and explore potential job roles and requirements at different levels within a sector.

Useful Information
Information that may help your business on its apprenticeship journey.
Learn how an employer-led Skills Bootcamps can benefit your business in Dorset and Somerset.
Opportunities and information for schools and the community for apprenticeships.
Read about real life examples of what it’s like to be a student, an apprentice or trainee from real people
Information and opportunities for schools and the community for traineeships.
We have a membership consisting of a fee paying members who are training organisations, colleges, employers and stakeholder bodies working in the post 16 education and training sector.
What we do
Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network Ltd (DSTPN) is a company limited by guarantee with a membership consisting of fee-paying members who are training organisations, colleges, employers and stakeholder bodies working in the post-16 education and training sector.
Our Vision
The network vision is to encourage and support providers to operate in a culture of collaborative working for the benefit of member organisations whilst continually enhancing the experience, learning and achievement of learners and meeting employer and community needs.
Our Sector
The sector in which the network operates and the membership it supports is changing extensively due to the economic environment and the shift in the contracting, skills and investment policy.
DSTPN will react to the changing environment in which it operates by being aware of its membership needs and the community and adapting its service accordingly.
Latest News
Get the latest updates from DSTPN
News Directory
Government Announces Financial Incentives to Businesses providing Apprenticeship and Traineeship Opportunities in England
Read about the experiences of students, Apprentices and Trainees on their journey.
Current Projects
We are working in collaboration with members, stakeholders and the community.
Need Advice?
If you would like some advice or would like a conversation about the network please get in touch.

Benefits of joining the DSTPN network
The network for Training Providers, Colleges, Employers and stakeholders who work in the post 16 education sector
Read what our members say about us
The DSTPN network brings together providers from across the region and enables sharing of good practice and support to the network members. It holds regular meetings with relevant and timely updates and has a wide range of external speakers on key topics. It provides a collective voice from its providers and is an effective mechanism to lobby on behalf of members to government on key agendas. It is an incredibly friendly and supportive group which has come into its own during COVID-19. BTC are proud to be a member and would highly recommend to others.
Bridgwater & Taunton College Marie Vassalli-Collard Business and Relationship Manager“We have been members of the DSTPN for many years and have found them to be a well organised and informative organisation. The forum enables us to discuss key issues with other local training providers and also to get a view from other key stakeholders such as the LEP. Working together collaboratively is key and the DSTPN is an effective way of us all achieving this.”
Yeovil College Paul Sealey Director of Employer Engagement
“The Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network has provided Aspire Training Team with fantastic networking and partnership opportunities with other businesses and providers in the county. They have been a key source of information by sharing timely Government funding updates as well as providing general awareness of new government funding opportunities for both businesses and training providers. DSTPN has provided helpful opportunities to be introduced to products showcased by EPA organisations, portfolio systems and to discover what is currently on offer to training providers. The information provided by the DSTPN is clear, informative and a great way to share good practice across all training providers. They have played a crucial role in supporting Aspire with building relationships with schools and colleges, having been invited to a number of career events and opportunities to talk one on one with students and teachers. “
Aspire Training Team Cheryl Hadland MD of Aspire Training Team“DSTPN is a fantastic network of skills professionals. The regular meetings are a great mix of networking opportunities, sharing of best practice amongst providers of all types and up to date information and briefings from ESFA and Ofsted. The group came into its own during lockdown with regular sessions designed to address the various demands for tenders and information that were required by DFE.”
Bournemouth and Poole College Antony Carr Director of Apprenticeships

“Membership to DSTPN always provides a great service by enabling organisations in the skills sector to work in a collaborative way and improve the experiences of learners. Membership has given Serco support in delivering our ESF Funded Skills Support for the Workforce and Skills Support for Redundancy contracts and helping us to maintain and build our connection to the sector across the Heart of the South West and Dorset LEP area. It is by building and nurturing strong relationships with our partners such as DSTPN that we best meet the needs of our customers.”
Serco Employment, Skills and Enterprise Pam Cole Senior Performance Manager, Skills Support for the Workforce